memory keeping Dylan Winn-Brown memory keeping Dylan Winn-Brown

My November 2021 roundup

November seemed to go by fast this year for our family. We were lucky to have a visit from Riley & Ryan and their dog Piper. We got our booster shots, decorated our house for the holidays, and enjoyed the warm weather. We even ate outside on November 30th - very unusual for Utah!

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memory keeping Dylan Winn-Brown memory keeping Dylan Winn-Brown

November Roundup prompt

November 2021 has been our busiest month since the pandemic started. We aren’t back to pre-pandemic levels of socializing yet, but we did host a few small dinner gatherings and attended a play in the theater. We also had a visit from our daughter and son-in-law and their doggy and enjoyed some movie nights with my parents. Our house is all decorated for Christmas and we even got our booster shots. Pretty good stuff overall.

Now I’m ready to use my roundup prompts to document the month. I also love creating scrapbook layouts using these topics, but there is no right or wrong way to do this. Just record the main events of November and find somewhere to share and enjoy them!

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memory keeping Dylan Winn-Brown memory keeping Dylan Winn-Brown

Are you ready to capture Thanksgiving memories?

No matter what your Thanksgiving celebration will look like this year, it’s worth documenting. Make sure you have your camera and take photos of everyone you spend the day with. Document where you ate the Thanksgiving feast and who was there to celebrate with you. We already had our Thanksgiving feast in October so we are planning to order takeout Chinese food, and watch some shows and movies. That’s worth documenting also!

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memory keeping Dylan Winn-Brown memory keeping Dylan Winn-Brown

Thinking about documenting December

I’ve never done a full December Daily album or made it through a daily documenting of the month of December. I have definitely created a lot of holiday layouts with plenty of December pages. I’m honestly happy with the approach I’ve taken over the years and I’m grateful for all of the December memories I have taken the time to document. Even if I don’t totally follow along with the full December Daily idea, I get a TON of inspiration from watching what others are doing.

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memory keeping Dylan Winn-Brown memory keeping Dylan Winn-Brown

My October roundup

I already shared this on social media yesterday, but I wanted to have it here on my blog as well. I completed my October roundup page and it always makes me happy to finish a roundup! You don't have to do your roundup in layout form, but that's how I love to do mine. I love combining the memories, news, photos, and moments of the past month into a page that can go in our family photo books.

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memory keeping Dylan Winn-Brown memory keeping Dylan Winn-Brown

Time to think about your October Roundup

October 2021 felt like one of the fastest months I’ve experienced in a long time. Seriously, where did the time go? I truly love October so I’m kind of sad to say goodbye to it. I’m hoping November will let us keep some fall weather for awhile before we head into winter.

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