Memory Keeping Katie Nelson Memory Keeping Katie Nelson

February roundup prompts and roundup video tutorial

It’s time to do a month-in-review of February. I love to take a memory inventory at the end of the month and document it all to add to our family albums. This is my 17th (SEVENTEEN!) year of doing monthly roundups. I started this routine in January of 2006, and it’s my most helpful tool for meaningful and easy memory keeping.

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Memory Keeping Katie Nelson Memory Keeping Katie Nelson

Five days left of February

Can you believe that February ends in 5 days? Well, it's true, and I'm here to remind you to be sure you are taking the time and actions to document your life this month. To make the memory roundup even better this year, I've committed to sending a little nudge out into the universe when the month is coming to a close.

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Creativity Katie Nelson Creativity Katie Nelson

Creativity is infinite; creative time is finite.

I have been on a real creative bender lately with my digital designing. I’ve had so many ideas that it has been hard for me to keep up with my brain! I’m finding that I can get lost in photoshop for hours. It’s been a lot of fun, but I’ve noticed that I’ve had very little creative energy left for other projects like blogging. It’s reminded me that while there is no end to creativity, there are limits on creative time and energy.

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Memory Keeping, Designs Katie Nelson Memory Keeping, Designs Katie Nelson

Scrap the weather

Weather is such a big part of our lives. The weather often dictates what type of activities we can participate in and the setting for so many events. One of the things I'm most excited about with my Monthly Memories designs is how easy it is to add themed pieces that coordinate with the entire collection.

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Katie Nelson Katie Nelson

Let’s catch up

I’ve been working hard on several upcoming projects, so that means that I’ve fallen a bit behind in my blogging. I feel like I need a couple of catch-up days. Does anyone out there remember my old “catch-up” posts where I also included an image of a ketchup bottle? Let’s do one of those to get back on track!

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Memory Keeping, Humor Katie Nelson Memory Keeping, Humor Katie Nelson

A funny way to start the day

If you’ve been around here for a while, you know that humor is one of my love languages. I need regular giggles in my life! Do you know what’s great? My son-in-law is the same way. He also collects these types of silly snippets and memes and we often exchange them with each other over text. I love that!

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Memory Keeping Katie Nelson Memory Keeping Katie Nelson

Month-in-review memory keeping - My January roundup is done!

Another roundup completed, and I love the month-in-review approach more than ever! If you aren’t familiar with my monthly roundups, be sure to check out this post. There is even a video tutorial included! I had a lot of stories to tell from January, so my pages have a lot of journaling on them. Those are my favorite kind of layouts because I love including so many details that I know we will all be grateful for when we look at these pages in the future.

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memory keeping, Designs Dylan Winn-Brown memory keeping, Designs Dylan Winn-Brown

A new free download + more pocket cards and stamps

As I mentioned in my last post, I’m really working on adding more designs and tools to help myself and others document monthly memories. These also are great for daily, weekly, or any type of scrapbooking. I’m excited to share them with you! I also have a brand new free download for you so be sure to check out the entire post.

(And if you like free stuff, I’ll be including another gift in my newsletter so be sure you are signed up!)

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