Mid-year check-in
The year is more than half over, so I thought it would be good to do a mid-year check-in to report and review my creative projects and life in general. It's beneficial to take a step back and look at where you are once in a while. It gives me perspective and motivation to figure out what I still want to accomplish.
My June 2022 roundup
I’m glad to finally have my June 2022 month-in-review done! I used my own roundup prompts to inspire me to create a two-page summary layout for the month.
When health gets in the way of creativity
If you follow me on Instagram, you will already know that I’ve had some health struggles recently. It all ties back to a lifelong issue I've had with my legs.
Here are the posts that tell my story:
Born with crooked legs
Missed 3 months of high school because of surgery
Time to roundup June
The end of the month is almost here, so it’s time to do a month-in-review roundup. I love to take a memory inventory at the end of the month and document it all to add to our family albums.
I share several prompt images each month on the last day of the month. I’m also including a link to my video walkthrough of how to document your life month by month and a demonstration of how to do a roundup.
One week left in the month of June
There’s only one week left in the month of June so I'm here with a check-in to help you get ready for the monthly roundup! I'm finding it helpful to take inventory of my photos and memory keeping before the last day of the month hits. Then I still have time to capture some great moments before it's too late.
Give me Space! A brand new collection
I usually release my new collections at the end of the work week, and I had this one all ready to go last week, but I had several health issues pile up on me all at once. The good news is that I’m doing a little better, and I have some super fun designs to share with you!
I’ll be recording a new video tutorial to go with this collection and also including a freebie add-on in my next newsletter, so be sure you are subscribed!
May 2022 month-in-review roundup
I’m always happy to get my month-in-review roundup done, and it’s fun to see photos and memories in a scrapbook layout. I used my own roundup prompts to inspire me to create a two-page summary layout for the month.
Are you ready to roundup the month of May?
The end of the month is almost here, so it’s time to do a month-in-review roundup. I love to take a memory inventory at the end of the month and document it to add to our family albums.
Honoring and documenting Memorial Day
I’ll be posting the roundup prompts here on Monday, so I thought this would be a good time to think about Memorial Day weekend.