Four Influential Women in Scrapbooking
Chances are, if you are reading this blog, you know of at least one of these four women. They were all extremely influential in the field of scrapbooking as it rose to popularity in the 1990s and 2000s. They each played a big role in bringing personal documentation to the forefront of creativity and memory-keeping endeavors.
A Book That Loves You
I picked something really unique and fun for my book club's newest selection. We are going to be reading and playing with A Book That Loves You: An Adventure in Self-Compassion. It's beautiful and full of inspiring quotes, ideas, and actual hands-on projects. By the time we are done, your book will be missing a lot of pages! I plan to share photos of my own projects here and on my social media channels.
Time for a February roundup
We have an extra day this month because of Leap Year, but I wanted to post the roundup prompts now to help us all think about how we want to wrap up this month.
Roundups. Recaps. Reviews. You can call them whatever you like, but the general idea is the same. Just take some time to write down what has happened recently, add some pictures, and call it good! That’s what I do at the end of each month, and I plan to keep going strong with this practice as long as possible.
It’s all about the chocolate
I don’t know about you, but I started craving some chocolate once I realized Valentine’s Day is tomorrow! Thankfully, chocolate is a treat that still works for me. Being gluten-free can be tough on holidays! I’m definitely going to treat myself to chocolate-covered goodness, though!
Year of the Dragon!
I love all sorts of holidays, especially those that give me the excuse to order Chinese food! Also, dragons are a BIG deal in our family. They have always been a favorite star of our stories, stuffed animal collections, and many books on our shelves. We are excited to be adding a little dragon to our family around the first of April since our daughter Riley is due with her second little boy soon. Hooray for the Year of the Dragon!
Roundup Grid Template Set
I started working on my January Roundup and ended up designing a new template set! I envisioned a framework that would allow me to easily change heading titles, as I don’t always report on the same categories each month. I’m excited about how this turned out! Not only can you swap the wording, but you can even change the color of each heading background. There’s plenty of room for written details and spaces for accompanying pocket cards and photos.
Are you ready for another round of roundups?
Roundups. Recaps. Reviews. You can call them whatever you like, but the general idea is the same. Just take some time to write down what has happened recently, add some pictures, and call it good! That’s what I do at the end of each month, and I plan to keep going strong with this practice as long as possible.
Number of followers and a few quick questions
I’m wrapping up STATS week here by sharing my number of followers on a few social media platforms. I’ve never been one to make a big push for followers. I honestly don’t think it’s the most important thing. What’s important to me is having a community that is rewarding to interact with. I’ve been so lucky to have readers who reach out with kind remarks and ideas. I love that!
Top 5 Designs in 2023
I am continuing with STATS week here and wanted to share my top five designs in 2023 (based on sales). It’s difficult for me to predict which designs will sell the most. I can’t be objective about this topic because I spend so many hours of design time on each item. I grow to love each of my collections, and I always think I’ve found a new favorite until the next one starts to take shape.
It was fun to take a look at the numbers to see which of my 2023 designs sold the most. I was surprised by several of these!